Orphans Latest Victims as Kidnappings Continue
In the latest kidnapping incident in Cauldron, four orphan children were taken from the Lantern Street Orphanage two nights ago. Just like the previous kidnapping incidents, there was on apparent sign of forced entry, and no substantial clues were found at the scene of the crime. Watch Captain Skylar Krewis was overheard discussing multiple size footprints on the scene, but given the nature of the building (an orphanage) this may mean nothing.
Despite Captain Skellerang’s assurances that the city guard is working diligently to find the missing persons, Cauldron’s citizens are beginning to worry that there are nefarious forces at work in and around the city, and speculation is rampant. A survey of local citizens produced the following thoughts on the matter:
"My neighbor saw small dark figures running through the streets at night - I've heard it's a secret guild of Halfling rogues that's been responsible for the kidnappings!"
"Coryston Pike, one of the kidnapped victims, feared for her life days before she vanished. Coincidence? I think not!"
"I heard that one of the kidnapped kids is the bastard child of the Lord Mayor, and this is all a big cover-up!"
"Evil cultists are kidnapping people and sacrificing then to an evil god who has two heads and tentacles for arms!”
"It's not kidnappers at all! It's a magical disease that causes people to slowly disappear and vanish from existence. The same thing wiped out the gnomes of Gnomeregan around here years ago!"
Captain Skellerang denies rumors of an evil cult that has taken residence in Cauldron and is sacrificing kidnap victims to the Morkoth, the legendary creature rumored to live in Cauldron Lake. "Hogwash!" states Captain Skellerang. "The Morkoth is a child’s story, not some fantasy cult. We'll find the real culprits."
One fact remains clear amidst the confusion - Cauldron's locksmith Keygan Ghelve is one of the finest in the world at his craft. It would take a talented thief or magic-user to get past his locks.
Tragedy Strikes the Church of Pelor
Omar Tiskinsen and Avner Sunborn, both clerics of Pelor, were tragically killed two weeks ago when the roof of the church collapsed during the night due to a terrible storm. Kristof Jurgenson, the only other member of the church, was not caught in the collapse. Captain Skellerang and other guards arrived on the scene shortly after the accident, but unfortunately were not able to rescue the two elder priests, despite powerful healing spells from the Church of St. Cuthbert's head priest Sarcem Delasharn. At the Lord Mayor's suggestion, Kristof sent a messenger to the Church of Pelor in the nearby town of Paradise, requesting aid.
Stormblades Vanquish Kobold Threat, Rescue Redgorge Girl
Cauldron's most prominent group of young heroes proved their valor again last week, routing a nearby band of kobolds who attacked a caravan and kidnapped a young girl from nearby Redgorge. The brave adventurers, who are all from Cauldron, risked life and limb to rescue the girl, and despite facing ferocious traps and being sorely outnumbered, scattered the cowardly lizards with their tails between their legs. "For adventurers of our skill, it was challenging but nothing we couldn't handle," said their leader Annah Taskerhill, upon returning the girl safely to Redgorge. The entire region once again owes a huge debt to the Stormblades, as the kobolds undoubtedly had other vile schemes planned. The Stormblades frequently visit the Slippery Eel tavern - why not stop by and buy these heroes a drink or two?
Jester Coins Not Legit!
Despite frequent warnings and notices from the Lord Mayor's office, illegally minted coins are still circulating throughout town. The fake coins can easily be identified by the jester face minted on each side, instead of the Lord Mayor's official seal. The Mayor's office reminds citizens that using these coins to pay for goods or services is punishable by a 5 gp fine. The fraudulent coins may be turned in to the city barracks or at the town hall. City officials firmly deny any link between the jester coins and the Last Laugh.
New Tax Plan Unveiled
The Lord Mayor's office has announced an upcoming change in the tax code, the first change in over 15 years. On top of the usual tariffs on goods imported from other lands, the city will now be introducing a fee on luxury items, including delicacy meals, ornate jewelry and art, and other non-essential items. The extra funds will go towards improving the city guard. Some wealthier citizens were displeased with the announcement, but given the recent safety and security issues (see "Orphans Latest Victims as Kidnappings Continue" above), few can argue with the plan.
Preparations Underway for Flood Festival
Preparations have begun for the annual Flood Festival and Demonskar Ball! Will this be the year that someone dethrones Chancellor Alahind as champion of the Drink Down The Flood competition? Be sure to reserve your costumes in advance! Rokk Strongarm, high priest of the Temple of Kord, also said that there will be a series of athletic and sporting competitions this year, so start training!
Vandals Leave Their Mark Again
Another warehouse was broken into last week and its exterior defaced with a variety of crude graffiti. As with previous incidents, the graffiti was mostly bizarre and incoherent, though the word Drakthar appeared multiple times. The incident is the third time in the last month, and business owners are not happy. The City Guard says that these acts of vandalism are a nuisance but not something that is a serious concern. It is not known if these incidents are related to the kidnapping of over a dozen of Cauldron's populace recently.
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