May 30, 2009 - The Stormhammers prepare for the Ball: dance lessons, sabotage, and wild animal captures.
Day One
The party is eating breakfast at the Tipped Tankard when there is a pecking/scratching at the door. Huron answers it and there is a hawk with a ribbon and a sheaf of papers tied to its leg.DM: Huron, the hawk swoops down and lands on your arm. Justin: Murgatroyd rolls a 17 to hit! Mike: Murgatroyd dies!! Justin: DAMMIT AGAIN!
They open the papers and they are new invitations for the Demonskar Ball - new invites were sent out because of all the recent chaos. They open their invitations and they are all "demon" invites. Yggdrasil still has the special Aggannar invitation.
They go into town to sell their loot, and stop at Skie's Treasury. While they are there selling their stuff, Brigs hits on / asks Skie to the Ball. She says maybe after he dresses up a bit. The loot ends up selling for 214 gp each. The party also starts putting all their copper and silver pieces into the chest they found awhile back as their "chump change box." (It now contains 858 cp and 212 sp)
Dale: My pickup line is "You know I have a +11 to athletics..."
They then go to Orak's Bathhouse so Brigs can get cleaned up. He gets lily scented and PINE (dunno why) and dresses up in his nicest outfit and goes back to Skie's. After some small talk she says she'll go to the Ball with him. He says he will pick her up by coach.
Next they go to Rhiavadi's Fine Silks to get their costumes. Snake Eyes rents a kyton outfit, Huron gets an imp, Yggdrasil rents a skull faced demon on stilts (so he appears taller) with a big fake scythe for his regular outfit, and Brigs gets (what?) Bonesaw asks for a custom costume of a GIANT HOT DOG, with the words "SIZE MATTERS" running down the middle, with magic growling noises and bat wings. Originally Huron wanted the cheapest, poorest outfit but the clerk tells him it would reflect badly on the party as a whole, so he rented a good one instead.
They ask the clerk about the Stormblades' costumes, the clerk tells them that they are there just waiting to be picked up. Bonesaw asks to leave a note in Cora's costume, and after a small bribe, the clerk agrees. The note is actually a sausage and a note reading "Here's some comfort food, sorry for your loss. If you want more sausage contact me at the Slippery Eel room 212."
They decide that they will travel to the Ball on horseback, not coach (except for Brigs) so they ask for horse costumes as well, of giant black demonic bats. (DM: again with the bats?) The costumes will take a week so they are told to come back and get them then.
Brigs goes to the stables and rents the royal coach, of which there is only one. It (appearance). Yggdrasil also takes the intact crossbow turret to a blacksmith and asks him to examine it so he can use it as a shoulderbow.
After leaving they are struck with the idea to sabotage the Stormblades. Huron & Yggdrasil start brawling in the street as a distraction, and Snake Eyes takes off his disguise and Bonesaw quickly disguises himself, and they head back inside. They pretend to be servants of the Stormblades, here to pick up their costumes. The clerk says he'll need proof that they are who they say they are, so Bonesaw heads outside and scrawls a quick forgery. He rolls a 19 (out of 20, which was what he needed to succeed) so with a bit more bluffing they manage to convince the clerk....who tells them it will be 150 gp for the three costumes (Bonesaw leaves Cora's, with his note, behind.) They manage to convince the clerk to charge Annah's costume to her father's account, and shell over the 100gp for Todd and Zachary's outfits. The clerk mentions to them that Zachary's other outfit isn't finished yet.
Bonesaw heads over to the Slippery Eel and rents room 212 for two weeks. They go inside and spend a few hours drawing caricatures of the Stormblades looking foolish.
Next they go to the Bluewater Academy to sign up for dance, etiquette and singing lessons. They arrive too late in the day for any lessons that day, but find out that the etiquette and dancing instructor gives 1 of each lesson each day. The maximum number of lessons a character can benefit from is 10 each. The singing instructor, a stuck up elf named Professor Palendor only gives a single lesson each day, to a single person.
- Singing Lessons: Bonesaw, Snake Eyes and Huron each sign up for 5 days worth of lessons.
- Etiquette: Brigs signs up for 10 lessons, while Bonesaw & Snake Eyes uses their remaining days on 8 days of lessons.
- Dancing: Brigs & Yggdrasil sign up for 10 lessons, Bonesaw & Snake Eyes 8 lessons. Huron takes none.
That evening the party is leaving the Bluewater Academy when they see a commotion of people over by the western gate. They go over and see that it's the Stormblades, looking completely exhausted, as do their horses. It appears they've ridden nonstop for a long period of time. They don't see the Stormhammers, but instead are greeted by a guard patrol. A bedraggled Annah Taskerhill hands the guard captain a handful of wands which she says are wands of control water they've purchased and brought back. There is an awkward silence as the guard uncomfortably explains that the Stormhammers just retrieved the stolen wands yesterday, and the waters have already been lowered. The Stormblades are stunned, and then notice the Stormhammers at the back of the crowd who start mocking them:
Yggdrasil: BAM!! Huron: (waves at them) Snake Eyes: (does the double point at himself) Brigs: (comments on the beautiful weather) Bonesaw: HEY CORA! Guess what problem WE solved!! Snake Eyes: (nudges Bonesaw) Are we heroes yet?
After returning to the Tipped Tankard and eating a meal prepared by Thog and Thunderbomb, the Stormhammers decide to cause trouble in the city so that the Stormblades have to deal with it, and won't get a chance to go rest and go pick up their costumes. They decide to capture some minor monsters from the forests around Cauldron and release them into the city. They head out, and Huron manages to find an adult raptor and its six babies. They attack/subdue the adult and stuff the babies in a bag, then return to the city and turn them loose in a back alley.
Day Two
Everyone goes to their lessons. Palendor gets Bonesaw, Snake Eyes and Huron to demonstrate their singing ability. Bonesaw and Snake Eyes roll quite well but Huron rolls a critical fumble. Palendor is astonished that someone can be that bad, and asks him to do it again, which Huron does and rolls another terrible roll. Palendor decides to keep Huron as a student because if he can make him a good singer he can make ANYONE a good singer.At lunch they hear screams and shouts coming from the street. They look out the windows of the academy and see the raptors running around the street nipping and biting at peoples' heels and causing a minor disturbance. After a few minutes the Stormblades show up, still looking exhausted. Todd draws his blades and prepares to attack (the Stormhammers see this and are concerned) but then the others give him a slap and they put their weapons away and corral the raptors without causing them any harm, and then take them away.
That evening the Stormhammers decided to go capture more beasts. They head out into the woods again to monster hunt. After some tracking, they see what looks like a large fox hiding in the bushes, only it has golden fur. Intrigued, they creep forward and Bonesaw (holding the bag of holding open like a trap) tries to coax it out of the bushes. A face emerges, that of a predatory cat, and it hisses at them warningly. Bonesaw continues to slowly approach, and Snake Eyes tosses it some meat, which it gulps down. After a bit of a standoff where Bonesaw doesn't manage to coax it out, Yggdrasil loses patience and blasts the bushes next to it with a searing light spell. The cat/fox thing burst out of the bushes with a howl and pounces on Bonesaw, shredding it with eight clawed legs (!). The others surround it - Huron tries to swat it into the bag of holding, but it manages to catch itself. Yggdrasil dazes it with a pacifism spell, and then Bonesaw grapples it and holds it up in the air. Snake Eyes casts a spell that lets him slide people around and crits, and so he slides the cat-thing out of Bonesaw's arms right into the bag neatly. They cinch it shut and head back to town where they discuss what to do with it excitedly.
After identifying it as a rare animal called an aurumvorax, they head to a tanner/leatherworker and ask how much he would pay for an undamaged aurumvorax pelt. He tells them he's never even seen one, so without seeing it and examining it first hand he has no idea.
They head back to the Tipped Tankard and wait until it's unconscious (Yggdrasil rolls a natural 20 on his Heal check to estimate when it will fall unconscious, and so they open the bag just as its eyes close.) and they drag it out and attach a chain leash around its neck, so they can "whip it at people." They put it back in, and develop a way to feed it by attaching meat to a ring on a chain, which they slide down the leash-chain so it reaches it, and doesn't get lost in the bag's insides.
They then discuss attaching the chain to a giant javelin so when it gets thrown the aurumvorax flies after it as an aurumvorax missile. They decide they will do this with Yggdrasil's shoulderbow once it's finished.
Day Three
Day Three passes uneventfully. They see the Stormblades walking around town getting their equipment repaired. Bonesaw yells at Cora (from the upper level of the academy, far away), who turns, sees him waving off in the distance, and shakes her head in amusement/disbelief.Day Four
The party decides to sabotage the Stormblades' costumes now, before they show up looking for them. Bonesaw starts drawing a speech bubble on Annah's caricature when Brigs points out that a wizard (like Vortimax) could probably perform a magic ritual that will make the paper actually speak when someone comes close. Amazed, they go and find Vortimax and get some paper lips enchanted to say HEYYY YOU GUYYYYYSSSS when someone steps near. Bonesaw attaches the lips to the Annah drawing. They then cut the crotch, butt and breasts out of the costumes. Snake Eyes then poops inside each one, but has to make three Endurance checks as a result. He fails the third one and strains his ass and can only hobble around for a day, and take a -2 penalty to Dex. They put the costumes back in their bags and leave them on the floor, and leave the key to the room at the costume shop with the clerk.Day Five & Six
Nothing happens.Day Seven
On their last day of singing lessons, while on lunch they see Ankhin Taskerhill talking to Palendor off to the side of the room. They notice Taskerhill slip Palendor a small pouch. When asked about it Palendor tells them it's simply to pay for Annah's regular singing lessons.They go and pick up their costumes. As they are leaving, they run into the Stormblades and they start jawing at each other. Snake Eyes starts taunting them, but they ignore him. He then points out to Zachary that he's going to be representing the Church of Pelor at the Ball, and Zachary quips back "Oh, a shoddy representative for a shoddy god." Snake Eyes then slaps him with a glove and screams "HONOR DUEL!" but both sides stop them from continuing.
As the Stormblades head in to get their costumes, Bonesaw sprints over to the Slippery Eel and hides in a closet outside room 212. After a short wait, he hears the Stormblades enter the room and the HEYYY YOU GUYYYYYSSSS. He bursts out of the closet, yells "FACE!!" at them and runs away giggling. As he runs away down the street, Annah, Zachary and Todd angrily fire on him from a 2nd-floor window, but only Todd hits him, and only with a hand crossbow.
The Demonskar Ball
The Stormhammers go get their horses and put their "demon bat" costumes on the horses (Bonesaw also puts a horn on his horse so it is a demonic bat-winged pegasus), and then accompany Brigs in his royal carriage to pick up Skie. They head to the Coy Pixie and townsfolk point and ooh and ahh as they go by.They arrive at the Coy Pixie, which has been beautifully decorated. Throngs of civilians mingle about outside cheering for guests and talking amongst themselves, and up on a balcony overlooking the street many guests are mingling, in a variety of demon and founder costumes. As the Stormhammers approach, the guests on the balcony shower Brigs & Skie with rose petals as they step out of the coach.
Dale: I want rose petals! Justin: Maybe you shouldn't dress as a hot dog!
Once inside, they are greeted by Jenya, who introduces them to her friend Ophella. At first Ophella is distant and aloof to them, but when she finds out they are the ones who rescued the orphans, she warms to them. She tells them she helps finance the orphanage. They ask her about Patch, but she doesn't know who that is, explaining that she doesn't actually manage the orphanage, just provides it with financial support. They start talking about how the one child, Terrem was taken by a beholder but returned by a woman in red with a red veil. Yggdrasil say it might be a body double.
Justin: I tell her it's a body she concerned? DM: Yes, she is. Justin: I go UAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH (points like a body snatcher)

A handsome man walks up to them wearing not a demon costume, but shining platemail decorated with Bahamut's symbols. He introduces himself as Alek Tercival, paladin of Bahamut. He thanks the party for their great work for the church and for the city. He also expressly thanks them for recovering the body of Sarcem, who he says was his elder and mentor in the church. He tells them he feels awful for not being available when Sarcem needed him. When asked about where he was, Alek tells them he was busy answering numerous requests for help in the region, and was exorcising a demon from a girl in Redgorge. He salutes them and walks off, ignoring (or not noticing) the scandalized looks other guests are giving him because of his attire.
They spot Alahind sitting at a table off to the side, he spots them and gestures them over. Sitting with him is a woman he introduces as Celeste, a noble from Sasserine who visits town frequently. Alahind offers them some strong brandy he has brought before giving them a quick schedule of the night's various events.
Next the party talks to Skellerang, who looks impatient and out of place. He congratulates them on a fine job recovering the wands, and tells them he has approached the Lord Mayor about getting funds for more training & town guards. Yggdrasil proposes the idea of forming a tireless, efficient construct army. Skellerang listens but seems skeptical, and hmms about it before telling Yggdrasil he would rather trust flesh and blood than magic constructs, no offense.
Everyone starts lining up to enter the main hall, so the Stormhammers join the line. They spot Embril, dressed in an elegant black gown talking to a group of nobles. She returns their greeting with a cool smile and nod. They also notice the Stormblades in the crowd. Cora has a beautiful founders costume but the others have pretty generic outfits, which gives the Stormhammers a great sense of glee.
As the party lines up there is a tug at Yggdrasil's sleeve from a beautiful woman dressed in a revealing gown, accompanied by a hulking human man dressed in a simple noble's outfit that seems too small for him. She introduces herself as Lady Rhiavadi, the owner and primary designer of Rhiavadi's Fine Silks. She explains that she personally designs all the costumes and heard that Yggdrasil is Aggannar this year (he's rather unique so she was able to easily recognize him). He says yes, and she comments that she is particularly proud of the demon general costume and believes he will honor their traditions just fine.
Bonesaw: What about me?? Did you make MY costume too? Rhiavadi: (pained look) ...I did, yes. But do me a favor? (leans in) Don't tell anyone. It's not exactly my Bonesaw: I won't tell anyone if I can keep it! Rhiavadi: (grimaces) By all means, please do.
The doors to the main hall open, and Rhiavadi turns to her companion and says "Come Zarn, we should be off. Farewell gentlemen."
The guests file up a small flight of stairs and enter a grand ballroom, where they are announced to the crowd. The Hawkwinters are standing just inside the entrance, greeting the various guests and commenting on their costumes. As the Stormhammer approach, they recognize them and excitedly comment on their achievements. They "introduce" the party to Zachary, who is also greetings guests with his parents, who dryly responds that "we've met." As he waves them in he mutters to them "now everyone will see you for the frauds you really are." Yggdrasil responds by "accidentally" bumping into him and successfully bluffing to make it seem to everyone else like it was an accident.
Yggdrasil: (bumps into Zachary) Zachary: (offended) Hey! Yggdrasil: 001100110 Zachary: (surprised) Bonesaw: YEAH!
Song of Heaven competition
The Herald announces that a musical or singing competition will take place to see who will have the honor of portraying the angel who aids Surabar Spellmason in the final dance. Annah steps forward to partake, as does Snake Eyes (who she gives a cold look at.) Professor Palendor steps up and announces that he will be judging the contest. As the two prepare, the herald explains that during the song, the other guests will perform the Song of Heaven dance, with the men standing around the outside of the room and the women moving in a circle on the inside. Snake Eyes DESTROYS Annah at the singing competition, and he is announced the winner, much to Annah's displeasure. Meanwhile, during the dance Cora tries to rip Yggdrasil's costume as she passes by, but he is doing the robot and blocks her hands without anyone else noticing. She curses under her breath and moves on.
Kozo's Folly
The herald announces the next dance, named Kozo's Folly. He explains that Kozo Lidu, a powerful sorceress who founded a town called Liduton many years ago, was good friends with Surabar. When the demon army attacked, Kozo tried to come to her friend and neighbour's assistance by performing a powerful necromantic ritual to raise an army of undead to fight the demons. Tragically though, the ritual was beyond her power to control and the army of undead fell upon Liduton, destroying it. The Herald points to a pair intersecting blue rune circles glowing on the floor, and tells the guests that the dance is to remember the tragic fate of Liduton.
Huron is VERY concerned that they are about to dance to celebrate evil necromancy, and is suspicious about the rune circles, but Ophella tells him it's like this every year and there is nothing to worry about. When the call for partners goes out, Brigs & Skie move to the dance floor. Bonesaw runs over to Cora, who is talking to Todd but neither have moved to go onto the floor yet. She seems surprised but before she can protest Snake Eyes runs over and drags Todd off to be his partner. Shocked, Cora is dragged off by Bonesaw to the floor. Snake Eyes then "changes his mind" and leaves Todd, bewildered. Annah and Zachary are dancing. Huron looks around and spots Ophella talking to a male noble - Huron brushes him aside and says "Dance!" and grabs her hand and they go onto the floor. Yggdrasil grabs a coat rack but then looks for an actual dance partner. Snake Eyes convinces Embril to dance with him. He spots off to the side of the room, a woman with dusky black skin - Shensen. He runs over and she recognizes him and agrees to dance.
As the dancers step across the intersecting runes a soft blue glow envelops them, which fades as they move off the runes. Brigs totally blows the first dance steps but doesn't fumble, so he just stumbles and everyone has a good laugh and they move on. Bonesaw and Cora trip and fall on the next steps though and Cora gives Bonesaw an unimpressed look. Annah & Zachary dance by and Annah looks like she wants to mock Bonesaw, but she can't because Cora also fell. The rest of the dance went fairly uneventfully, but as it comes to a close Ophella whispers to Huron excitedly that they are very close to winning, indicating that they are only one partner away from the centre. Huron pushes them forward and bumps the next couple forward out of the way so that he and Ophella end up in the centre just as the music dies. The blue glow envelops them for a good ten seconds and then fades over their skin. Huron is suspicious of the glow but feels no adverse effects. The two of them are awarded the title "Mayors of Liduton" and each presented a large gold chain of office (worth 100gp), and Huron also earns himself a +3 bonus to all social encounters for the rest of the night. (3 demonskar points). Shensen hangs around, as does Ophella, but Embril excuses herself after the dance and Cora rejoins the Stormblades as soon as possible.
Demonskar Banquet Seating
The herald announces that it is time for the banquet, and all the guests start heading downstairs to a massive banquet hall. The party walks in, noting that seated at the head table are the Hawkwinters, the Lord Mayor, Alahind, Alek & Jenya, Embril, Rokk and Skellerang. Snake Eyes asks a servant why the Church of Pelor isn't represented at the table. The servant tells him that they were informed that Kristof wouldn't be attending.
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