Revena, Wild Mage

Female human sorcerer 5/wild mage 6
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +8 (+3 Dex, +6 Ref); Senses Detect +6
Languages Common

AC 19, touch 18, flat-footed 16
(Dex +3, armor +0, deflection +5, natural +1)
hp 48
Immune insanity, confusion, magical detection
Resist random deflector 2/day
Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6
Speed 30 feet

Melee masterwork longspear +6 (1d8+0/x3)
Ranged Touch +8
Base Atk +5; Grp +5
Atk Options Split Ray* (+2), Quicken Spell (+4), rod of wonder
Spells Known (CL 8th+1d6)[DC: 16+spell lvl]
5th (5) - lesser spell matrix, greater fireburst
4th (7) - evard's black tentacles, ruin delver's fortune, defenestrating sphere
3rd (7) - displacement, fly, regal procession, clairaudience/clairvoyance
2nd (8) - slapping hand, invisibility, levitate, scorching ray*, mirror image
1st (7) - mage armor, true strike, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement*, benign transposition
0th (6) - mage hand, ray of frost*, daze, message, acid splash*

Abilities Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 22
SQ wild magic, random deflector, student of chaos
Feats Sudden Maximize, Magical Aptitude, Quicken Spell, Split Ray, Empower Spell
Skills Bluff +20, Detect +6
Possessions amulet of natural armor +1, bracers of armor +1, cloak of charisma +2, rod of wonder, scroll of polymorph, gray bag of tricks, wand of backbiter (28 charges), masterwork longspear, 12 gp

Wild Magic: Revena's caster level is three lower than her level indicates. However, each time she casts a spell, she rolls 1d6 and adds the result to her modified caster level to determine her adjusted caster level for that spell.

Random Deflector (Su): Immediate action, any ranged atk, ranged touch atk, spells that target only her, randomly redistribute between all targets within 20 feet, including Revena. Lasts until beginning of Revena's next turn. 2/day.

Student of Chaos (Ex):
Whenever Revena uses a magic item offering a randomly determined effect (such as a bag of tricks or rod of wonder), she can roll twice and choose between the two results.

Preparation: (Revena already has mage armor cast when encountered) (3 rounds) lesser spell matrix, regal procession (12 horses), gray bag of tricks (bat, cat, badger)

Revena tries to sap the strength of her foes with empowered or split rays of enfeeblement, and then get them trapped in evard's black tentacles. She also tries to lure enemy melee combatants near her so she can "explode" with a sudden maximized greater fireburst. If engaged by a single melee foe she relies on mirror image or uses her wand of backbiter to neutralize him while waiting for others to come near, but if there are too many melee threats she casts fly and takes to the air. She initially ignores enemy ranged foes and spellcasters, relying on her Random Deflector ability and ruin delver's fortune for protection, but if they start to be a problem she drops an evard's black tentacles on them. Once her foes are trapped or she is safe in the air, she uses defenestrating sphere and her rod of wonder.

Revena has a 25% chance each turn of abandoning what she was going to do and using her rod of wonder instead.

If she has had time to summon an animal from her gray bag of tricks, she'll try to move it close to 2 or more enemies with a low reflex save (acting insane so the act seems harmless), at which point she casts a quickened benign transposition and switches places with the animal, then casts greater fireburst (sudden maximized if she still has it available.)

If an enemy rogue is giving her a lot of trouble...what?

If Revena has to retreat, she uses her scroll of polymorph at the same time as she releases her spell matrix regal procession, summoning 12 horses and relying on the subsequent confusion to find a chance to dismiss the spell and escape.



Traits or Mannerisms
• Reckless: Revena is willing to put herself at great personal risk for the chance to utterly annihilate her foes, and uses her rod of wonder whenever possible, even if she knows a spell that might be better suited for the moment.
• Deranged: Revena is utterly mad and shouts out the names of her spells as she casts them (though there is a 10% chance she is completely wrong). She is also prone to violent mood swings, and random bouts of crazed laughter.
• Devout Insanity: Revena belives in and worships ALL the gods. During battle she shouts prayers to random gods, and wears miscellaneous trinkets and symbols of her various deities. When she uses regal procession, each of the mounts summoned bears a banner with a different deity's symbol and colors.

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